Main Hand
45 45 Jade Crook
47 49 Astaroth Cane
49 49 Budding Rosewood Wand
49 Aetherial Budding Rosewood Wand
49 Pastoral Mahogany Cane
49 Aetherial Pastoral Mahogany Cane
50 135 Dreadwyrm Cane
135 Nirvana Zeta
130 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Cane
130 Serpent Captain's Cane
130 Storm Captain's Cane
130 Flame Captain's Cane
125 Nirvana
120 Ironworks Magitek Cane
115 High Allagan Crook
115 Thyrus Nexus
115 Shiva's Diamond Cane
115 Cedar Crook
110 Yagrush
110 Thyrus Novus
110 True Ice Cane
110 Ebony Cane
110 Swanliege Cane
110 High Adjudicator's Gavel
100 Weathered Yagrush
100 Swansgrace Cane
100 Tidal Wave Wand
100 Thyrus Atma
100 Thyrus Animus
100 Adjudicator's Gavel
100 Tidal Wave Cane
95 Allagan Cane
95 Wave Wand
95 Inferno Cane
95 Wile of the Vortex
95 Tremor Cane
95 Malevolent Moggle Mogwand
95 Wave Cane
95 Heart of the Vortex
95 Mighty Moggle Mogrod
90 Omnirod
90 Thyrus Zenith
90 Direwolf Cane
80 The Cane of Crags
80 Thyrus
75 Malevolent Mogwand
75 Mighty Mogrod
70 Garuda's Wile
70 Giantsgall Cane
70 Alkalurops
70 Warwolf Rod
70 Storm Elite's Wand
70 Serpent Elite's Wand
70 Flame Elite's Wand
70 Garuda's Tail
60 Ifrit's Cane
55 Serpent Officer's Wand
55 Storm Officer's Wand
55 Flame Officer's Wand
55 Madman's Whispering Rod
55 Darklight Kple Kple
55 Wolf Cane
52 Chiran Zabran's Tempest
50 Unfinished Thyrus
50 Tane Mahuta
50 Mindbreaker
50 Replica Allagan Cane
50 Replica High Allagan Crook
50 Senor Sabotender's Cane
51 120 Martial Crook
52 125 Holy Cedar Wand
Off Hand
44 46 Serpent Sergeant's Targe
46 Storm Sergeant's Targe
46 Flame Sergeant's Targe
45 45 Eagle-crested Round Shield
45 Aetherial Eagle-crested Round Shield
49 49 Oxblood Targe
49 Aetherial Oxblood Targe
50 100 Tidal Wave Buckler
95 Wave Buckler
70 Spruce Round Shield
55 Darklight Square Shield
52 Aubriest's Allegory
50 Skjoldr
46 46 Felt Hat
47 49 Aetherial Felt Cavalier's Hat
49 Aurum Temple Chain
47 Electrum Monocle
48 48 Electrum Circlet (Rubellite)
48 Electrum Circlet (Zircon)
48 Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline)
48 Electrum Circlet (Amber)
48 Electrum Circlet (Spinel)
48 Electrum Circlet (Turquoise)
49 49 Felt Cavalier's Hat
49 Altered Felt Hat
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Optics of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Hood of Healing
120 Ironworks Optics of Healing
120 Demon Hat of Healing
115 Rainbow Cap of Healing
110 High Allagan Circlet of Healing
110 Daystar Circlet
110 Platinum Circlet of Healing
110 Swanliege Hood
100 Weathered Daystar Circlet
100 Swansgrace Hood
100 Scylla's Helm of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Circlet of Healing
100 Storm Lieutenant's Tricorne
100 Serpent Lieutenant's Hat
100 Flame Lieutenant's Helm
90 Allagan Circlet of Healing
90 Cleric's Circlet
90 Direwolf Monocle of Healing
90 Gold Spectacles
80 Royal Crown
80 Circlet of the Divine Harvest
70 Rose Gold Circlet
70 Vanya Hat of Healing
70 Warwolf Hat of Healing
70 Pilgrim's Eyepatch
70 Storm Elite's Cap
70 Serpent Elite's Circlet
70 Flame Elite's Hood
60 Demagogue Mask
60 Strategos Coif
60 Blessed Monocle
55 Warlock's Hat
55 Paragon's Crown
55 Militia Hat
55 Gridanian Officer's Cap
55 Lominsan Officer's Cap
55 Ul'dahn Officer's Cap
55 Imperial Operative Hat
55 Wolf Hat
50 Behemoth Mask
50 Dark Divinity Auga
50 Replica Allagan Circlet of Healing
50 Replica High Allagan Circlet of Healing
50 Replica Dreadwyrm Hood of Healing
51 120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Klobuk
52 125 Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing
38 40 Seer's Cowl
47 50 Vintage Robe
49 Aetherial Felt Bliaud
49 Aurum Chasuble
47 Woolen Cowl
47 Altered Woolen Cowl
42 Tattered Robe
49 49 Felt Bliaud
49 Altered Felt Robe
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Robe of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Robe of Healing
120 Ironworks Robe of Healing
120 Demon Robe of Healing
115 Rainbow Robe of Healing
110 High Allagan Coat of Healing
110 Daystar Robe
110 Arachne Robe
110 Swanliege Coat
100 Weathered Daystar Robe
100 Swansgrace Coat
100 Scylla's Robe of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Longcoat of Healing
100 Storm Lieutenant's Jacket
100 Serpent Lieutenant's Coat
100 Flame Lieutenant's Coat
90 Allagan Tunic of Healing
90 Cleric's Robe
90 Direwolf Robe of Healing
90 Cashmere Robe of Healing
90 Augmented Cashmere Robe of Healing
80 Royal Vest
80 Robe of the Divine Harvest
70 Darklight Cowl of Healing
70 Vanya Robe of Healing
70 Warwolf Bliaud of Healing
70 Pilgrim's Robe
70 Storm Elite's Coat
70 Serpent Elite's Robe
70 Flame Elite's Shawl
60 Strategos Bliaud
60 Demagogue Halfrobe
60 Blessed Gown
55 Warlock's Robe
55 Healer's Robe
55 Militia Robe
55 Gridanian Officer's Overcoat
55 Lominsan Officer's Overcoat
55 Ul'dahn Officer's Overcoat
55 Imperial Operative Dalmatica
55 Paragon's Gown
55 Wolf Robe
55 Augmented Healer's Robe
52 Mage's Halfrobe
50 Dark Divinity Feldr
50 Replica Allagan Tunic of Healing
50 Replica High Allagan Coat of Healing
50 Replica Dreadwyrm Robe of Healing
51 120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Alb
52 125 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing
45 50 Healer's Gloves
50 Augmented Healer's Gloves
47 49 Aetherial Felt Dress Gloves
49 Aurum Dress Gloves
49 49 Felt Dress Gloves
49 Felt Gloves
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Gloves of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Gloves of Healing
120 Ironworks Gloves of Healing
120 Demon Gloves of Healing
115 Archaeoskin Gloves of Healing
110 High Allagan Gloves of Healing
110 Daystar Gloves
110 Kirimu Gloves of Healing
110 Swanliege Armguards
100 Weathered Daystar Gloves
100 Swansgrace Armguards
100 Scylla's Gloves of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Gloves of Healing
90 Allagan Gloves of Healing
90 Cleric's Gloves
90 Direwolf Gloves of Healing
90 Saurian Gloves of Healing
80 Royal Celestial Gloves
80 Halfgloves of the Divine Harvest
70 Darklight Gloves of Healing
70 Vanya Gloves of Healing
70 Warwolf Gloves of Healing
70 Pilgrim's Gloves
70 Storm Elite's Gloves
70 Serpent Elite's Field Dressing
70 Flame Elite's Gloves
60 Strategos Gloves
60 Demagogue Halfgloves
60 Blessed Halfgloves
55 Warlock's Ringbands
55 Militia Ringbands
55 Gridanian Officer's Gloves
55 Lominsan Officer's Gloves
55 Ul'dahn Officer's Gloves
55 Wolf Ringbands
52 Mage's Halfgloves
50 Dark Divinity Hanzkar
50 Replica Allagan Gloves of Healing
50 Replica High Allagan Gloves of Healing
50 Replica Dreadwyrm Gloves of Healing
51 120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Gloves
52 125 Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing
45 50 Healer's Culottes
50 Augmented Healer's Culottes
47 49 Aetherial Felt Gaskins
49 Aurum Smalls
49 49 Felt Gaskins
49 Felt Breeches
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Slops of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Tonban of Healing
120 Ironworks Slops of Healing
120 Demon Skirt of Healing
115 Rainbow Slops of Healing
110 High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing
110 Daystar Breeches
110 Arachne Culottes of Healing
110 Swanliege Hose
100 Weathered Daystar Breeches
100 Swansgrace Hose
100 Scylla's Culottes of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Slops of Healing
90 Allagan Breeches of Healing
90 Cleric's Culottes
90 Direwolf Skirt of Healing
90 Cashmere Skirt of Healing
80 Royal Breeches
80 Tonban of the Divine Harvest
70 Darklight Breeches of Healing
70 Vanya Breeches of Healing
70 Warwolf Gaskins of Healing
70 Pilgrim's Slops
70 Storm Elite's Breeches
70 Serpent Elite's Loincloth
70 Flame Elite's Loincloth
60 Strategos Breeches
60 Demagogue Chausses
60 Blessed Slops
55 Warlock's Tights
55 Militia Tights
55 Wolf Tights
52 Mage's Chausses
50 Dark Divinity Spjarrar
50 Replica Allagan Breeches of Healing
50 Replica High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing
50 Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Healing
51 120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Breeches
52 125 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Healing
45 50 Healer's Boots
50 Augmented Healer's Boots
47 49 Aetherial Felt Dress Shoes
49 Aurum Boots
49 49 Felt Dress Shoes
49 Raptorskin Crakows
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Thighboots of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Shoes of Healing
120 Ironworks Thighboots of Healing
120 Demon Sandals of Healing
115 Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing
110 High Allagan Thighboots of Healing
110 Daystar Sollerets
110 Kirimu Boots of Healing
110 Swanliege Boots
100 Weathered Daystar Sollerets
100 Swansgrace Boots
100 Scylla's Boots of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Thighboots of Healing
90 Allagan Boots of Healing
90 Cleric's Boots
90 Direwolf Thighboots of Healing
90 Saurian Boots of Healing
80 Royal Shoes
80 Crakows of the Divine Harvest
70 Darklight Boots of Healing
70 Spruce Pattens
70 Warwolf Boots of Healing
70 Pilgrim's Shoes
70 Storm Elite's Boots
70 Serpent Elite's Crakows
70 Flame Elite's Caligae
60 Strategos Duckbills
60 Demagogue Pattens
60 Blessed Espadrilles
55 Warlock's Pattens
55 Militia Duckbills
55 Gridanian Officer's Boots
55 Lominsan Officer's Boots
55 Ul'dahn Officer's Boots
55 Wolf Duckbills
52 Mage's Pattens
50 Dark Divinity Skor
50 Replica Allagan Boots of Healing
50 Replica High Allagan Thighboots of Healing
50 Replica Dreadwyrm Shoes of Healing
51 120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Thighboots
52 125 Wyvernskin Boots of Healing
39 39 Peridot Earrings
39 Aquamarine Earrings
47 49 Aetherial Rubellite Earrings
49 Aetherial Zircon Earrings
49 Aetherial Tourmaline Earrings
49 Aetherial Amber Earrings
49 Aetherial Spinel Earrings
49 Aetherial Turquoise Earrings
49 Aetherial Black Pearl Earrings
49 Aetherial Electrum Ear Cuffs
49 49 Rubellite Earrings
49 Zircon Earrings
49 Tourmaline Earrings
49 Amber Earrings
49 Spinel Earrings
49 Turquoise Earrings
49 Black Pearl Earrings
49 Electrum Ear Cuffs
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Fending
130 Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Slaying
130 Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Aiming
130 Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Healing
130 Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Casting
130 Dreadwyrm Earring of Fending
130 Dreadwyrm Earring of Slaying
130 Dreadwyrm Earring of Aiming
130 Dreadwyrm Earring of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Earring of Casting
120 Ironworks Earrings of Fending
120 Ironworks Earrings of Slaying
120 Ironworks Earrings of Aiming
120 Ironworks Earrings of Healing
120 Ironworks Earrings of Casting
115 Mythrite Earrings of Fending
115 Mythrite Earrings of Slaying
115 Mythrite Earrings of Aiming
115 Mythrite Earrings of Healing
115 Mythrite Earrings of Casting
110 High Allagan Earrings of Fending
110 High Allagan Earrings of Slaying
110 High Allagan Earrings of Aiming
110 High Allagan Earrings of Healing
110 High Allagan Earrings of Casting
110 Noct Earrings
110 Gloam Earrings
110 Auroral Earrings
110 Daystar Earrings
110 Evenstar Earrings
110 Platinum Earrings of Fending
110 Platinum Earrings of Slaying
110 Platinum Earrings of Aiming
110 Platinum Earrings of Healing
110 Platinum Earrings of Casting
110 Werewolf Earrings of Fending
110 Werewolf Earrings of Slaying
110 Werewolf Earrings of Aiming
110 Werewolf Earrings of Healing
110 Werewolf Earrings of Casting
100 Weathered Noct Earrings
100 Weathered Gloam Earrings
100 Weathered Auroral Earrings
100 Weathered Daystar Earrings
100 Weathered Evenstar Earrings
100 Hellwolf Earrings of Fending
100 Hellwolf Earrings of Slaying
100 Hellwolf Earrings of Aiming
100 Hellwolf Earrings of Healing
100 Hellwolf Earrings of Casting
100 Varlet's Earrings
100 Picaroon's Earrings of Slaying
100 Bogatyr's Earrings of Aiming
100 Bogatyr's Earrings of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Earrings of Casting
90 Tremor Earrings of Fending
90 Allagan Earrings of Striking
90 Allagan Earrings of Aiming
90 Allagan Earrings of Healing
90 Allagan Earrings of Fending
90 Allagan Earrings of Maiming
90 Allagan Earrings of Casting
90 Tremor Earrings of Slaying
90 Tremor Earrings of Aiming
90 Tremor Earrings of Casting
90 Tremor Earrings of Healing
90 Hero's Earrings of Fending
90 Hero's Earrings of Slaying
90 Hero's Earrings of Aiming
90 Hero's Earrings of Casting
90 Hero's Earrings of Healing
90 Direwolf Earrings of Fending
90 Direwolf Earrings of Slaying
90 Direwolf Earrings of Aiming
90 Direwolf Earrings of Casting
90 Direwolf Earrings of Healing
90 Ruby Earrings
90 Diamond Earrings
90 Emerald Earrings
90 Topaz Earrings
90 Iolite Earrings
90 Sapphire Earrings
80 Earrings of the Divine War
80 Earrings of Divine Wisdom
80 Earrings of the Divine Light
80 Earrings of the Divine Harvest
80 Earrings of Divine Death
70 Darklight Earrings of Striking
70 Darklight Earrings of Aiming
70 Darklight Earrings of Healing
70 Darklight Earrings of Fending
70 Darklight Earrings of Maiming
70 Darklight Earrings of Casting
70 Rose Gold Earrings
70 Rose Gold Ear Screws
70 Rose Gold Ear Cuffs
70 Warwolf Earrings of Fending
70 Warwolf Earrings of Slaying
70 Warwolf Earrings of Aiming
70 Warwolf Earrings of Casting
70 Warwolf Earrings of Healing
60 Hoplite Earrings
60 Peltast Earrings
60 Toxotes Earrings
60 Demagogue Earrings
60 Strategos Earrings
55 Militia Earrings
55 Wolf Rubellite Earrings
55 Wolf Zircon Earrings
55 Wolf Tourmaline Earrings
55 Wolf Amber Earrings
55 Wolf Spinel Earrings
55 Wolf Turquoise Earrings
52 Explorer's Earrings
52 Mage's Earrings
52 Stonewall Earrings
52 Blessed Earrings
51 120 Ishgardian Knight's Earrings
120 Ishgardian Monastic's Earrings
120 Ishgardian Outrider's Earrings
120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Earrings
120 Ishgardian Historian's Earrings
52 125 Mythrite Earblades of Fending
125 Mythrite Earblades of Slaying
125 Mythrite Earblades of Aiming
125 Mythrite Earblades of Healing
125 Mythrite Earblades of Casting
41 42 Flame Sergeant's Choker
47 47 Red Coral Necklace
48 48 Rubellite Choker
48 Zircon Choker
48 Tourmaline Choker
48 Amber Choker
48 Spinel Choker
48 Turquoise Choker
48 Black Pearl Choker
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Choker of Fending
130 Augmented Ironworks Choker of Slaying
130 Augmented Ironworks Choker of Aiming
130 Augmented Ironworks Choker of Healing
130 Augmented Ironworks Choker of Casting
130 Dreadwyrm Choker of Fending
130 Dreadwyrm Choker of Slaying
130 Dreadwyrm Choker of Aiming
130 Dreadwyrm Choker of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Choker of Casting
120 Ironworks Choker of Fending
120 Ironworks Choker of Slaying
120 Ironworks Choker of Aiming
120 Ironworks Choker of Healing
120 Ironworks Choker of Casting
115 Rainbow Ribbon of Fending
115 Rainbow Ribbon of Slaying
115 Rainbow Ribbon of Aiming
115 Rainbow Ribbon of Healing
115 Rainbow Ribbon of Casting
110 High Allagan Choker of Fending
110 High Allagan Choker of Slaying
110 High Allagan Choker of Aiming
110 High Allagan Choker of Healing
110 High Allagan Choker of Casting
110 Noct Choker
110 Gloam Choker
110 Auroral Choker
110 Daystar Necklace
110 Evenstar Necklace
110 Platinum Scarf of Fending
110 Platinum Scarf of Slaying
110 Platinum Scarf of Aiming
110 Platinum Scarf of Healing
110 Platinum Scarf of Casting
110 Werewolf Choker of Fending
110 Werewolf Choker of Slaying
110 Werewolf Choker of Aiming
110 Werewolf Choker of Healing
110 Werewolf Choker of Casting
100 Weathered Noct Choker
100 Weathered Gloam Choker
100 Weathered Auroral Choker
100 Weathered Daystar Necklace
100 Weathered Evenstar Necklace
100 Hellwolf Choker of Fending
100 Hellwolf Choker of Slaying
100 Hellwolf Choker of Aiming
100 Hellwolf Choker of Healing
100 Hellwolf Choker of Casting
100 Ribbon of Fending
100 Ribbon of Slaying
100 Ribbon of Aiming
100 Ribbon of Casting
100 Ribbon of Healing
100 Varlet's Necklace
100 Picaroon's Necklace of Slaying
100 Bogatyr's Necklace of Aiming
100 Bogatyr's Necklace of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Necklace of Casting
90 Allagan Choker of Striking
90 Allagan Choker of Aiming
90 Allagan Choker of Healing
90 Allagan Choker of Fending
90 Allagan Choker of Maiming
90 Allagan Choker of Casting
90 Hero's Necklace of Fending
90 Hero's Necklace of Slaying
90 Hero's Necklace of Aiming
90 Hero's Necklace of Casting
90 Hero's Necklace of Healing
90 Direwolf Choker of Fending
90 Direwolf Choker of Slaying
90 Direwolf Choker of Aiming
90 Direwolf Choker of Casting
90 Direwolf Choker of Healing
90 Ruby Choker
90 Diamond Choker
90 Emerald Choker
90 Topaz Choker
90 Iolite Choker
90 Sapphire Choker
80 Ultima Choker of Fending
80 Ultima Choker of Slaying
80 Ultima Choker of Aiming
80 Ultima Choker of Casting
80 Ultima Choker of Healing
80 Choker of the Divine War
80 Choker of Divine Wisdom
80 Choker of the Divine Light
80 Choker of the Divine Harvest
80 Choker of Divine Death
70 Darklight Choker of Striking
70 Darklight Choker of Aiming
70 Darklight Choker of Healing
70 Darklight Choker of Fending
70 Darklight Choker of Maiming
70 Darklight Choker of Casting
70 Gryphonskin Choker
70 Astral Choker
70 Rose Gold Gorget
70 Warwolf Choker of Fending
70 Warwolf Choker of Slaying
70 Warwolf Choker of Aiming
70 Warwolf Choker of Casting
70 Warwolf Choker of Healing
60 Hoplite Choker
60 Peltast Choker
60 Toxotes Choker
60 Demagogue Choker
60 Strategos Choker
55 Militia Choker
55 Imperial Operative Choker
55 Wolf Rubellite Choker
55 Wolf Zircon Choker
55 Wolf Tourmaline Choker
55 Wolf Amber Choker
55 Wolf Spinel Choker
55 Wolf Turquoise Choker
52 Explorer's Choker
52 Mage's Choker
52 Stonewall Choker
51 120 Ishgardian Knight's Choker
120 Ishgardian Monastic's Choker
120 Ishgardian Outrider's Choker
120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Choker
120 Ishgardian Historian's Choker
52 125 Mythrite Necklace of Fending
125 Mythrite Necklace of Slaying
125 Mythrite Necklace of Aiming
125 Mythrite Necklace of Healing
125 Mythrite Necklace of Casting
46 46 Electrum Wristlets
47 49 Aetherial Tortoiseshell Armillae
47 Raptorskin Wristbands
48 48 Rubellite Bracelet
48 Zircon Bracelet
48 Tourmaline Bracelet
48 Amber Bracelet
48 Spinel Bracelet
48 Turquoise Bracelet
48 Black Pearl Bracelet
49 49 Tortoiseshell Armillae
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Fending
130 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Slaying
130 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Aiming
130 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Healing
130 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Casting
130 Dreadwyrm Bracelet of Fending
130 Dreadwyrm Bracelet of Slaying
130 Dreadwyrm Bracelet of Aiming
130 Dreadwyrm Bracelet of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Bracelet of Casting
120 Ironworks Bracelet of Fending
120 Ironworks Bracelet of Slaying
120 Ironworks Bracelet of Aiming
120 Ironworks Bracelet of Healing
120 Ironworks Bracelet of Casting
120 True Ice Bracelet of Fending
120 True Ice Bracelet of Slaying
120 True Ice Bracelet of Aiming
120 True Ice Bracelet of Healing
120 True Ice Bracelet of Casting
115 Mythrite Bangle of Fending
115 Mythrite Bangle of Slaying
115 Mythrite Bangle of Aiming
115 Mythrite Bangle of Healing
115 Mythrite Bangle of Casting
110 High Allagan Bracelets of Fending
110 High Allagan Bracelets of Slaying
110 High Allagan Bracelets of Aiming
110 High Allagan Bracelets of Healing
110 High Allagan Bracelets of Casting
110 Noct Wristlets
110 Gloam Wristlets
110 Auroral Wristlets
110 Daystar Armillae
110 Evenstar Armillae
110 Platinum Bangles of Fending
110 Platinum Bangles of Slaying
110 Platinum Bangles of Aiming
110 Platinum Bangles of Healing
110 Platinum Bangles of Casting
110 Werewolf Bracelet of Fending
110 Werewolf Bracelet of Slaying
110 Werewolf Bracelet of Aiming
110 Werewolf Bracelet of Healing
110 Werewolf Bracelet of Casting
100 Weathered Noct Wristlets
100 Weathered Gloam Wristlets
100 Weathered Auroral Wristlets
100 Weathered Daystar Armillae
100 Weathered Evenstar Armillae
100 Hellwolf Bracelet of Fending
100 Hellwolf Bracelet of Slaying
100 Hellwolf Bracelet of Aiming
100 Hellwolf Bracelet of Healing
100 Hellwolf Bracelet of Casting
100 Varlet's Armillae
100 Picaroon's Armillae of Slaying
100 Bogatyr's Armillae of Aiming
100 Bogatyr's Armillae of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Armillae of Casting
90 Allagan Bracelets of Striking
90 Allagan Bracelets of Aiming
90 Allagan Bracelets of Healing
90 Allagan Bracelets of Fending
90 Allagan Bracelets of Maiming
90 Allagan Bracelets of Casting
90 Inferno Bangle of Fending
90 Inferno Bangle of Slaying
90 Inferno Bangle of Aiming
90 Inferno Bangle of Casting
90 Inferno Bangle of Healing
90 Hero's Bracelet of Fending
90 Hero's Bracelet of Slaying
90 Hero's Bracelet of Aiming
90 Hero's Bracelet of Casting
90 Hero's Bracelet of Healing
90 Direwolf Armillae of Fending
90 Direwolf Wristbands of Slaying
90 Direwolf Wristbands of Aiming
90 Direwolf Wristbands of Casting
90 Direwolf Wristbands of Healing
90 Ruby Bracelet
90 Diamond Bracelet
90 Emerald Bracelet
90 Topaz Bracelet
90 Iolite Bracelet
90 Sapphire Bracelet
80 Bracelets of the Divine War
80 Bracelet of Divine Wisdom
80 Bracelet of the Divine Light
80 Bracelet of the Divine Harvest
80 Bracelet of Divine Death
70 Darklight Bracelet of Striking
70 Darklight Bracelet of Aiming
70 Darklight Bracelet of Healing
70 Darklight Bracelet of Fending
70 Darklight Bracelet of Maiming
70 Darklight Bracelet of Casting
70 Gryphonskin Wristbands
70 Astral Bracelet
70 Rose Gold Bracelets
70 Warwolf Bracelet of Fending
70 Warwolf Bracelet of Slaying
70 Warwolf Bracelet of Aiming
70 Warwolf Bracelet of Casting
70 Warwolf Bracelet of Healing
60 Hoplite Wristlets
60 Peltast Wristlets
60 Toxotes Wristlets
60 Demagogue Wristlets
60 Strategos Wristlets
55 Imperial Operative Wristlets
55 Wolf Rubellite Bracelet
55 Wolf Zircon Bracelet
55 Wolf Tourmaline Bracelet
55 Wolf Amber Bracelet
55 Wolf Spinel Bracelet
55 Wolf Turquoise Bracelet
51 120 Ishgardian Knight's Bracelets
120 Ishgardian Monastic's Bracelets
120 Ishgardian Outrider's Bracelets
120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Bracelets
120 Ishgardian Historian's Bracelets
52 125 Mythrite Bracelet of Fending
125 Mythrite Bracelet of Slaying
125 Mythrite Bracelet of Aiming
125 Mythrite Bracelet of Healing
125 Mythrite Bracelet of Casting
Left Ring
Right Ring
46 48 Storm Sergeant's Ring
47 49 Aetherial Rubellite Ring
49 Aetherial Zircon Ring
49 Aetherial Tourmaline Ring
49 Aetherial Amber Ring
49 Aetherial Spinel Ring
49 Aetherial Turquoise Ring
49 Aetherial Black Pearl Ring
49 Gysahl Ring
47 Electrum Ring
49 49 Rubellite Ring
49 Zircon Ring
49 Tourmaline Ring
49 Amber Ring
49 Spinel Ring
49 Turquoise Ring
49 Black Pearl Ring
50 130 Augmented Ironworks Ring of Fending
130 Augmented Ironworks Ring of Slaying
130 Augmented Ironworks Ring of Aiming
130 Augmented Ironworks Ring of Healing
130 Augmented Ironworks Ring of Casting
130 Dreadwyrm Ring of Fending
130 Dreadwyrm Ring of Slaying
130 Dreadwyrm Ring of Aiming
130 Dreadwyrm Ring of Healing
130 Dreadwyrm Ring of Casting
120 Ironworks Ring of Fending
120 Ironworks Ring of Slaying
120 Ironworks Ring of Aiming
120 Ironworks Ring of Healing
120 Ironworks Ring of Casting
115 Agate Ring of Fending
115 Agate Ring of Slaying
115 Agate Ring of Aiming
115 Agate Ring of Healing
115 Agate Ring of Casting
110 High Allagan Ring of Fending
110 High Allagan Ring of Slaying
110 High Allagan Ring of Aiming
110 High Allagan Ring of Healing
110 High Allagan Ring of Casting
110 Noct Ring
110 Gloam Ring
110 Auroral Ring
110 Daystar Ring
110 Evenstar Ring
110 Judgment Ring of Fending
110 Judgment Ring of Slaying
110 Judgment Ring of Aiming
110 Judgment Ring of Healing
110 Judgment Ring of Casting
110 Platinum Ring of Fending
110 Platinum Ring of Slaying
110 Platinum Ring of Aiming
110 Platinum Ring of Healing
110 Platinum Ring of Casting
110 Werewolf Ring of Fending
110 Werewolf Ring of Slaying
110 Werewolf Ring of Aiming
110 Werewolf Ring of Healing
110 Werewolf Ring of Casting
100 Weathered Noct Ring
100 Weathered Gloam Ring
100 Weathered Auroral Ring
100 Weathered Daystar Ring
100 Weathered Evenstar Ring
100 Hellwolf Ring of Fending
100 Hellwolf Ring of Slaying
100 Hellwolf Ring of Aiming
100 Hellwolf Ring of Healing
100 Hellwolf Ring of Casting
100 Varlet's Ring
100 Picaroon's Ring of Slaying
100 Bogatyr's Ring of Aiming
100 Bogatyr's Ring of Healing
100 Bogatyr's Ring of Casting
90 Vortex Ring of Fending
90 Vortex Ring of Slaying
90 Vortex Ring of Aiming
90 Vortex Ring of Casting
90 Vortex Ring of Healing
90 Allagan Ring of Striking
90 Allagan Ring of Aiming
90 Allagan Ring of Healing
90 Allagan Ring of Fending
90 Allagan Ring of Maiming
90 Allagan Ring of Casting
90 Hero's Ring of Fending
90 Hero's Ring of Slaying
90 Hero's Ring of Aiming
90 Hero's Ring of Casting
90 Hero's Ring of Healing
90 Direwolf Ring of Fending
90 Direwolf Ring of Slaying
90 Direwolf Ring of Aiming
90 Direwolf Ring of Casting
90 Direwolf Ring of Healing
90 Ruby Ring
90 Diamond Ring
90 Emerald Ring
90 Topaz Ring
90 Iolite Ring
90 Sapphire Ring
80 Ultima Band of Fending
80 Ultima Band of Slaying
80 Ultima Band of Aiming
80 Ultima Band of Casting
80 Ultima Band of Healing
80 Ring of the Divine War
80 Ring of Divine Wisdom
80 Ring of the Divine Light
80 Ring of the Divine Harvest
80 Ring of Divine Death
70 Darklight Band of Striking
70 Darklight Band of Aiming
70 Darklight Band of Healing
70 Darklight Band of Fending
70 Darklight Band of Maiming
70 Darklight Band of Casting
70 Gryphonskin Ring
70 Astral Ring
70 Rose Gold Ring
70 Warwolf Ring of Fending
70 Warwolf Ring of Slaying
70 Warwolf Ring of Aiming
70 Warwolf Ring of Casting
70 Warwolf Ring of Healing
60 Hoplite Ring
60 Peltast Ring
60 Toxotes Ring
60 Demagogue Ring
60 Strategos Ring
55 Master Conjurer's Ring
55 Wolf Rubellite Ring
55 Wolf Zircon Ring
55 Wolf Tourmaline Ring
55 Wolf Amber Ring
55 Wolf Spinel Ring
55 Wolf Turquoise Ring
52 Explorer's Ring
52 Mage's Ring
52 Stonewall Ring
52 Blessed Ring
50 Ring of Lasting Shelter
51 120 Ishgardian Knight's Ring
120 Ishgardian Monastic's Ring
120 Ishgardian Outrider's Ring
120 Ishgardian Chaplain's Ring
120 Ishgardian Historian's Ring
52 125 Yeti Fang Ring of Fending
125 Yeti Fang Ring of Slaying
125 Yeti Fang Ring of Aiming
125 Yeti Fang Ring of Healing
125 Yeti Fang Ring of Casting
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