Main Hand
55 136 Wargfangs
56 139 Titanium Knuckles
57 142 Halonic Friar's Patas
58 145 Adamantite Jamadhars
59 148 Thavnairian Katars
60 280 Coven Maws
275 Nyepels Lux
275 Alexandrian Metal Knuckles
270 Nyepels
270 Augmented Shire Cesti
265 Zurvanite Fists
260 Sharpened Sultan's Fists
260 Shire Cesti
255 Kinna Claws
255 Sophic Fists
255 High Steel Knuckles
250 Heavy Metal Claws
245 Midan Metal Knuckles
240 Sultan's Fists
240 Augmented Hellfire Claws
235 Padjali Knuckles
235 Horde Knuckles
235 Makai Fists
230 Hyperconductive Verethragna
230 Hellfire Claws
220 Fists of the Sephirot
210 Rising Suns
210 Verethragna
210 Gordian Cesti
205 Knuckles of the Heavens
205 Knuckles of the Keeper
200 Antiquated Rising Suns
200 Rising Suns Awoken
190 Hive Claws
180 Senju Kai
180 Maws of the Rising Dragon
180 Endless Expanse Patas
180 Dead Hive Claws
180 Knuckles of the Round
180 Fists of the Fiend
180 Seeing Horde Knuckles
180 Fists of the Goddess
180 Fists of the Demon
175 Expanse Patas
170 Animated Rising Suns
170 Senju
160 Baldur Claws
150 Adamantite Knuckles
61 260 Ghost Barque Katars
Off Hand
55 136 Orthodox Tricorne of Striking
56 139 Titanium Headgear of Striking
57 142 Halonic Friar's Helm
58 145 Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking
59 148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Cap
60 270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Headband
270 Alexandrian Mask of Striking
265 Sunburst Headgear of Striking
260 Shire Pankratiast's Headband
260 Diabolic Turban of Striking
255 Sky Rat Mask of Striking
255 Koppranickel Turban of Striking
250 Prototype Alexandrian Mask of Striking
250 Scintillant Circlet of Striking
245 Filibuster's Scope of Striking
240 Augmented Hellfire Mask of Striking
240 Midan Mask of Striking
235 Makai Mauler's Facemask
235 Makai Manhandler's Facemask
235 Sunstreak Mask of Striking
230 Hellfire Mask of Striking
230 Yafaemi Circlet of Striking
225 Valkyrie's Tricorne of Striking
220 Prototype Midan Mask of Striking
220 Eikon Leather Headgear of Striking
215 Conqueror's Turban
210 Tantra Tantour
210 Gordian Sallet of Striking
210 Mistbreak Cap of Striking
205 Althyk's Helm of Striking
200 Antiquated Tantra Tantour
200 Void Ark Halfmask of Striking
195 Dravanian Tricorne of Striking
190 Prototype Gordian Sallet of Striking
185 Hat of the Red Thief
185 Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking
180 Griffin Leather Tricorne of Striking
180 Asuran Hachigane of Striking
180 Helm of the Rising Dragon
180 Deepmist Mask of Striking
170 Yasha Hachigane of Striking
160 Warlord's Crown
160 Field Commander's Helm
160 Valerian Smuggler's Bandana
160 Mistfall Circlet of Striking
150 Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking
150 Serpentskin Bush Hat
61 260 Ghost Barque Turban of Striking
55 136 Orthodox Tunic of Striking
56 139 Titanium Mail of Striking
57 142 Halonic Friar's Cuirass
58 145 Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking
59 148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Coat
60 270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Jacket
270 Alexandrian Jacket of Striking
265 Sunburst Corselet of Striking
260 Shire Pankratiast's Jacket
260 Diabolic Dolman of Striking
255 Sky Rat Harness of Striking
255 Bloodhempen Vest of Striking
250 Prototype Alexandrian Jacket of Striking
250 Star Velvet Tabard of Striking
250 Ornate Star Velvet Tabard of Striking
245 Filibuster's Gambison of Striking
240 Augmented Hellfire Mail of Striking
240 Midan Jacket of Striking
235 Makai Mauler's Oilskin
235 Makai Manhandler's Jerkin
235 Sunstreak Jacket of Striking
230 Hellfire Mail of Striking
230 Yafaemi Cyclas of Striking
225 Valkyrie's Coat of Striking
220 Prototype Midan Jacket of Striking
220 Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking
215 Conqueror's Vest
210 Tantra Chestwrap
210 Gordian Mail of Striking
210 Mistbreak Cyclas of Striking
205 Althyk's Mail of Striking
200 Antiquated Tantra Chestwrap
200 Void Ark Coat of Striking
195 Dravanian Tunic of Striking
190 Prototype Gordian Mail of Striking
185 Coat of the Red Thief
185 Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking
180 Griffin Leather Coat of Striking
180 Asuran Togi of Striking
180 Jacket of the Rising Dragon
180 Deepmist Jacket of Striking
170 Yasha Togi of Striking
160 Field Commander's Coat
160 Valerian Smuggler's Gilet
160 Chivalric Coat of Striking
160 Mistfall Bolero of Striking
150 Proto Ultima Mesh
150 Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking
150 Serpentskin Vest
61 260 Ghost Barque Coat of Striking
55 136 Orthodox Wristgloves of Striking
56 139 Titanium Vambraces of Striking
57 142 Halonic Friar's Gloves
58 145 Serpentskin Armguards of Striking
59 148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Gloves
60 270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Gloves
270 Alexandrian Gloves of Striking
265 Sunburst Armguards of Striking
260 Shire Pankratiast's Gloves
260 Diabolic Gloves of Striking
255 Sky Rat Fingerless Gloves of Striking
255 Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking
250 Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Striking
250 Hemiskin Gloves of Striking
245 Filibuster's Gauntlets of Striking
240 Augmented Hellfire Gauntlets of Striking
240 Midan Gloves of Striking
235 Makai Mauler's Fingerless Gloves
235 Makai Manhandler's Fingerless Gloves
235 Sunstreak Gloves of Striking
230 Hellfire Gauntlets of Striking
230 Yafaemi Gloves of Striking
225 Valkyrie's Gloves of Striking
220 Prototype Midan Gloves of Striking
220 Eikon Leather Armguards of Striking
215 Conqueror's Armguards
210 Tantra Wristwraps
210 Gordian Gauntlets of Striking
210 Mistbreak Armguards of Striking
205 Althyk's Gauntlets of Striking
200 Antiquated Tantra Wristwraps
200 Void Ark Halfgloves of Striking
195 Dravanian Wristgloves of Striking
190 Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Striking
185 Gloves of the Red Thief
185 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Striking
180 Griffin Leather Bracers of Striking
180 Asuran Tekko of Striking
180 Gloves of the Rising Dragon
180 Deepmist Armguards of Striking
170 Yasha Tekko of Striking
160 Field Commander's Gloves
160 Valerian Smuggler's Halfgloves
160 Mistfall Gloves of Striking
150 Serpentskin Bracers of Striking
150 Serpentskin Gloves
61 260 Ghost Barque Vambraces of Striking
55 136 Orthodox Trousers of Striking
56 139 Dragonskin Breeches of Striking
57 142 Halonic Friar's Hose
58 145 Chimerical Felt Hose of Striking
59 148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Longkilt
60 270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Hose
270 Alexandrian Breeches of Striking
265 Sunburst Brais of Striking
260 Shire Pankratiast's Hose
260 Diabolic Bottoms of Striking
255 Sky Rat Breeches of Striking
255 Bloodhempen Brais of Striking
250 Prototype Alexandrian Breeches of Striking
250 Hemiskin Trousers of Striking
245 Filibuster's Trousers of Striking
240 Augmented Hellfire Breeches of Striking
240 Midan Breeches of Striking
235 Makai Mauler's Leggings
235 Makai Manhandler's Quartertights
235 Sunstreak Trousers of Striking
230 Hellfire Breeches of Striking
230 Yafaemi Gaskins of Striking
225 Valkyrie's Trousers of Striking
220 Prototype Midan Breeches of Striking
220 Eikon Cloth Brais of Striking
215 Conqueror's Brais
210 Tantra Galligaskins
210 Gordian Breeches of Striking
210 Mistbreak Hose of Striking
205 Althyk's Cuisses of Striking
200 Antiquated Tantra Galligaskins
200 Void Ark Trousers of Striking
195 Dravanian Trousers of Striking
190 Prototype Gordian Breeches of Striking
185 Trousers of the Red Thief
185 Sky Pirate's Trousers of Striking
180 Griffin Leather Brais of Striking
180 Asuran Haidate of Striking
180 Gaskins of the Rising Dragon
180 Deepmist Trousers of Striking
170 Yasha Haidate of Striking
160 Field Commander's Slops
160 Valerian Smuggler's Gaskins
160 Mistfall Culottes of Striking
150 Serpentskin Brais of Striking
150 Chimerical Felt Trousers
61 260 Ghost Barque Skirt of Striking
55 136 Orthodox Thighboots of Striking
56 139 Titanium Sabatons of Striking
57 142 Halonic Friar's Jackboots
58 145 Serpentskin Boots of Striking
59 148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Boots
60 270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Boots
270 Alexandrian Thighboots of Striking
265 Sunburst Leg Guards of Striking
260 Shire Pankratiast's Boots
260 Diabolic Thighboots of Striking
255 Sky Rat Ironclad Boots of Striking
255 Gaganaskin Sandals of Striking
250 Prototype Alexandrian Thighboots of Striking
250 Hemiskin Leggings of Striking
245 Filibuster's Thighboots of Striking
240 Augmented Hellfire Sabatons of Striking
240 Midan Boots of Striking
235 Makai Mauler's Boots
235 Makai Manhandler's Longboots
235 Sunstreak Boots of Striking
230 Hellfire Sabatons of Striking
230 Yafaemi Sandals of Striking
225 Valkyrie's Boots of Striking
220 Prototype Midan Boots of Striking
220 Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking
215 Conqueror's Sandals
210 Tantra Gaiters
210 Gordian Sabatons of Striking
210 Mistbreak Boots of Striking
205 Althyk's Sollerets of Striking
200 Antiquated Tantra Gaiters
200 Void Ark Boots of Striking
195 Dravanian Thighboots of Striking
190 Prototype Gordian Sabatons of Striking
185 Boots of the Red Thief
185 Sky Pirate's Boots of Striking
180 Griffin Leather Boots of Striking
180 Asuran Sune-ate of Striking
180 Gaiters of the Rising Dragon
180 Deepmist Leggings of Striking
170 Yasha Sune-ate of Striking
160 Field Commander's Boots
160 Valerian Smuggler's Highboots
160 Mistfall Boots of Striking
150 Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking
150 Serpentskin Fringe Boots
61 260 Ghost Barque Sollerets of Striking
53 130 Woad Skydruid's Earrings
130 Woad Skywicce's Earrings
56 139 Opal Earrings of Fending
139 Opal Earrings of Slaying
139 Opal Earrings of Aiming
139 Opal Earrings of Healing
139 Opal Earrings of Casting
57 142 Halonic Inquisitor's Earrings
142 Halonic Friar's Earrings
142 Halonic Auditor's Earrings
142 Halonic Priest's Earrings
142 Halonic Exorcist's Earrings
58 145 Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending
145 Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying
145 Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming
145 Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing
145 Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting
59 148 Sharlayan Custodian's Earrings
148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Earrings
148 Sharlayan Conservator's Earrings
148 Sharlayan Preceptor's Earrings
148 Sharlayan Philosopher's Earrings
60 270 Proto Ultima Earrings of Fending
270 Proto Ultima Earrings of Slaying
270 Proto Ultima Earrings of Aiming
270 Proto Ultima Earrings of Healing
270 Proto Ultima Earrings of Casting
270 Augmented Shire Custodian's Earrings
270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Earring
270 Augmented Shire Conservator's Earrings
270 Augmented Shire Preceptor's Earrings
270 Augmented Shire Philosopher's Earring
270 Alexandrian Earrings of Fending
270 Alexandrian Earrings of Slaying
270 Alexandrian Earrings of Aiming
270 Alexandrian Earrings of Healing
270 Alexandrian Earrings of Casting
265 Sunburst Earring of Fending
265 Sunburst Earring of Slaying
265 Sunburst Earring of Aiming
265 Sunburst Earring of Healing
265 Sunburst Earring of Casting
260 Shire Custodian's Earrings
260 Shire Pankratiast's Earring
260 Shire Conservator's Earrings
260 Shire Preceptor's Earrings
260 Shire Philosopher's Earring
255 Triphane Earrings of Slaying
250 Scintillant Earring of Fending
250 Scintillant Earring of Slaying
250 Scintillant Earring of Aiming
250 Scintillant Earring of Healing
250 Scintillant Earring of Casting
250 Prototype Alexandrian Earrings of Fending
250 Prototype Alexandrian Earrings of Slaying
250 Prototype Alexandrian Earrings of Aiming
250 Prototype Alexandrian Earrings of Healing
250 Prototype Alexandrian Earrings of Casting
245 Filibuster's Earring of Fending
245 Filibuster's Earring of Slaying
245 Filibuster's Earring of Aiming
245 Filibuster's Earring of Healing
245 Filibuster's Earring of Casting
240 Augmented Primal Earrings of Fending
240 Augmented Primal Earrings of Slaying
240 Augmented Primal Earrings of Aiming
240 Augmented Primal Earrings of Healing
240 Augmented Primal Earrings of Casting
240 Midan Earrings of Fending
240 Midan Earrings of Slaying
240 Midan Earrings of Aiming
240 Midan Earrings of Healing
240 Midan Earrings of Casting
235 Sunstreak Earring of Fending
235 Sunstreak Earring of Slaying
235 Sunstreak Earring of Aiming
235 Sunstreak Earring of Healing
235 Sunstreak Earring of Casting
235 Makai Earring of Fending
235 Makai Earring of Slaying
235 Makai Earring of Aiming
235 Makai Earring of Healing
235 Makai Earring of Casting
230 Primal Earrings of Fending
230 Primal Earrings of Slaying
230 Primal Earrings of Aiming
230 Primal Earrings of Healing
230 Primal Earrings of Casting
225 Valkyrie's Earrings of Fending
225 Valkyrie's Earrings of Slaying
225 Valkyrie's Earrings of Aiming
225 Valkyrie's Earrings of Healing
225 Valkyrie's Earrings of Casting
220 Eikon Iron Earring of Fending
220 Eikon Iron Earring of Slaying
220 Eikon Iron Earring of Aiming
220 Eikon Iron Earring of Healing
220 Eikon Iron Earring of Casting
220 Prototype Midan Earrings of Fending
220 Prototype Midan Earrings of Slaying
220 Prototype Midan Earrings of Aiming
220 Prototype Midan Earrings of Healing
220 Prototype Midan Earrings of Casting
215 Berserker's Earrings
215 Viking Earrings
215 Wrangler's Earrings
215 Prophet's Earrings
215 Panegyrist's Earrings
210 Gordian Earrings of Fending
210 Gordian Earrings of Slaying
210 Gordian Earrings of Aiming
210 Gordian Earrings of Healing
210 Gordian Earrings of Casting
210 Fabled Earrings of Fending
210 Fabled Earrings of Slaying
210 Fabled Earrings of Aiming
210 Fabled Earrings of Healing
210 Fabled Earrings of Casting
210 Mistbreak Earrings of Fending
210 Mistbreak Earrings of Slaying
210 Mistbreak Earrings of Aiming
210 Mistbreak Earrings of Healing
210 Mistbreak Earrings of Casting
205 The Twelve's Earrings of Fending
205 The Twelve's Earrings of Slaying
205 The Twelve's Earrings of Aiming
205 The Twelve's Earrings of Healing
205 The Twelve's Earrings of Casting
200 Ardent Earrings of Fending
200 Ardent Earrings of Slaying
200 Ardent Earrings of Aiming
200 Ardent Earrings of Healing
200 Ardent Earrings of Casting
195 Dravanian Earrings of Fending
195 Dravanian Earrings of Slaying
195 Dravanian Earrings of Aiming
195 Dravanian Earrings of Healing
195 Dravanian Earrings of Casting
190 Prototype Gordian Earrings of Fending
190 Prototype Gordian Earrings of Slaying
190 Prototype Gordian Earrings of Aiming
190 Prototype Gordian Earrings of Healing
190 Prototype Gordian Earrings of Casting
185 Earrings of the Defiant Duelist
185 Earrings of the Daring Duelist
185 Earrings of the Lost Thief
185 Plague Doctor's Earrings
185 Plague Bringer's Earrings
180 Asuran Earring of Fending
180 Asuran Earring of Slaying
180 Asuran Earring of Aiming
180 Asuran Earring of Healing
180 Asuran Earring of Casting
180 Battleliege Earrings of Fending
180 Battleliege Earrings of Slaying
180 Battleliege Earrings of Aiming
180 Battleliege Earrings of Healing
180 Battleliege Earrings of Casting
180 Deepmist Earrings of Fending
180 Deepmist Earrings of Slaying
180 Deepmist Earrings of Aiming
180 Deepmist Earrings of Healing
180 Deepmist Earrings of Casting
170 Yasha Earring of Fending
170 Yasha Earring of Slaying
170 Yasha Earring of Aiming
170 Yasha Earring of Healing
170 Yasha Earring of Casting
160 Valerian Terror Knight's Earrings
160 Valerian Smuggler's Earrings
160 Valerian Fusilier's Earrings
160 Valerian Shaman's Earrings
160 Valerian Wizard's Earrings
160 Mistfall Earrings of Fending
160 Mistfall Earrings of Slaying
160 Mistfall Earrings of Aiming
160 Mistfall Earrings of Healing
160 Mistfall Earrings of Casting
150 Chrysolite Earrings of Fending
150 Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying
150 Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming
150 Chrysolite Earrings of Healing
150 Chrysolite Earrings of Casting
61 260 Ghost Barque Earrings of Slaying
54 133 Ramie Ribbon of Healing
133 Ramie Ribbon of Casting
56 139 Opal Choker of Fending
139 Opal Choker of Slaying
139 Opal Choker of Aiming
139 Opal Choker of Healing
139 Opal Choker of Casting
57 142 Halonic Inquisitor's Choker
142 Halonic Friar's Choker
142 Halonic Auditor's Choker
142 Halonic Priest's Choker
142 Halonic Exorcist's Choker
58 145 Aurum Regis Necklace of Fending
145 Aurum Regis Necklace of Slaying
145 Aurum Regis Necklace of Aiming
145 Aurum Regis Necklace of Healing
145 Aurum Regis Necklace of Casting
59 148 Sharlayan Custodian's Choker
148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Choker
148 Sharlayan Conservator's Choker
148 Sharlayan Preceptor's Choker
148 Sharlayan Philosopher's Choker
60 270 Proto Ultima Necklace of Fending
270 Proto Ultima Necklace of Slaying
270 Proto Ultima Necklace of Aiming
270 Proto Ultima Necklace of Healing
270 Proto Ultima Necklace of Casting
270 Augmented Shire Custodian's Choker
270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Choker
270 Augmented Shire Conservator's Choker
270 Augmented Shire Preceptor's Choker
270 Augmented Shire Philosopher's Choker
270 Alexandrian Neckband of Fending
270 Alexandrian Neckband of Slaying
270 Alexandrian Neckband of Aiming
270 Alexandrian Neckband of Healing
270 Alexandrian Neckband of Casting
265 Sunburst Necklace of Fending
265 Sunburst Necklace of Slaying
265 Sunburst Necklace of Aiming
265 Sunburst Necklace of Healing
265 Sunburst Necklace of Casting
260 Shire Custodian's Choker
260 Shire Pankratiast's Choker
260 Shire Conservator's Choker
260 Shire Preceptor's Choker
260 Shire Philosopher's Choker
255 Triphane Choker of Slaying
250 Teak Choker of Fending
250 Teak Choker of Slaying
250 Teak Choker of Aiming
250 Teak Choker of Healing
250 Teak Choker of Casting
250 Prototype Alexandrian Neckband of Fending
250 Prototype Alexandrian Neckband of Slaying
250 Prototype Alexandrian Neckband of Aiming
250 Prototype Alexandrian Neckband of Healing
250 Prototype Alexandrian Neckband of Casting
245 Filibuster's Choker of Fending
245 Filibuster's Choker of Slaying
245 Filibuster's Choker of Aiming
245 Filibuster's Choker of Healing
245 Filibuster's Choker of Casting
240 Augmented Primal Choker of Fending
240 Augmented Primal Choker of Slaying
240 Augmented Primal Choker of Aiming
240 Augmented Primal Choker of Healing
240 Augmented Primal Choker of Casting
240 Midan Neckband of Fending
240 Midan Neckband of Slaying
240 Midan Neckband of Aiming
240 Midan Neckband of Healing
240 Midan Neckband of Casting
235 Sunstreak Necklace of Fending
235 Sunstreak Necklace of Slaying
235 Sunstreak Necklace of Aiming
235 Sunstreak Necklace of Healing
235 Sunstreak Necklace of Casting
235 Makai Choker of Fending
235 Makai Choker of Slaying
235 Makai Choker of Aiming
235 Makai Choker of Healing
235 Makai Choker of Casting
230 Primal Choker of Fending
230 Primal Choker of Slaying
230 Primal Choker of Aiming
230 Primal Choker of Healing
230 Primal Choker of Casting
225 Valkyrie's Choker of Fending
225 Valkyrie's Choker of Slaying
225 Valkyrie's Choker of Aiming
225 Valkyrie's Choker of Healing
225 Valkyrie's Choker of Casting
220 Camphorwood Necklace of Fending
220 Camphorwood Necklace of Slaying
220 Camphorwood Necklace of Aiming
220 Camphorwood Necklace of Healing
220 Camphorwood Necklace of Casting
220 Prototype Midan Neckband of Fending
220 Prototype Midan Neckband of Slaying
220 Prototype Midan Neckband of Aiming
220 Prototype Midan Neckband of Healing
220 Prototype Midan Neckband of Casting
215 Berserker's Scarf
215 Viking Scarf
215 Wrangler's Scarf
215 Prophet's Scarf
215 Panegyrist's Scarf
210 Gordian Neckband of Fending
210 Gordian Neckband of Slaying
210 Gordian Neckband of Aiming
210 Gordian Neckband of Healing
210 Gordian Neckband of Casting
210 Fabled Necklace of Fending
210 Fabled Necklace of Slaying
210 Fabled Necklace of Aiming
210 Fabled Necklace of Healing
210 Fabled Necklace of Casting
210 Mistbreak Necklace of Fending
210 Mistbreak Necklace of Slaying
210 Mistbreak Necklace of Aiming
210 Mistbreak Necklace of Healing
210 Mistbreak Necklace of Casting
205 The Twelve's Necklace of Fending
205 The Twelve's Necklace of Slaying
205 The Twelve's Necklace of Aiming
205 The Twelve's Necklace of Healing
205 The Twelve's Necklace of Casting
200 Ardent Necklace of Fending
200 Ardent Necklace of Slaying
200 Ardent Necklace of Aiming
200 Ardent Necklace of Healing
200 Ardent Necklace of Casting
195 Dravanian Choker of Fending
195 Dravanian Choker of Slaying
195 Dravanian Choker of Aiming
195 Dravanian Choker of Healing
195 Dravanian Choker of Casting
190 Prototype Gordian Neckband of Fending
190 Prototype Gordian Neckband of Slaying
190 Prototype Gordian Neckband of Aiming
190 Prototype Gordian Neckband of Healing
190 Prototype Gordian Neckband of Casting
185 Choker of the Defiant Duelist
185 Choker of the Daring Duelist
185 Choker of the Lost Thief
185 Plague Doctor's Choker
185 Plague Bringer's Choker
180 Asuran Necklace of Fending
180 Asuran Necklace of Slaying
180 Asuran Necklace of Aiming
180 Asuran Necklace of Healing
180 Asuran Necklace of Casting
180 Battleliege Choker of Fending
180 Battleliege Choker of Slaying
180 Battleliege Choker of Aiming
180 Battleliege Choker of Healing
180 Battleliege Choker of Casting
180 Deepmist Necklace of Fending
180 Deepmist Necklace of Slaying
180 Deepmist Necklace of Aiming
180 Deepmist Necklace of Healing
180 Deepmist Necklace of Casting
170 Yasha Necklace of Fending
170 Yasha Necklace of Slaying
170 Yasha Necklace of Aiming
170 Yasha Necklace of Healing
170 Yasha Necklace of Casting
160 Valerian Terror Knight's Choker
160 Valerian Smuggler's Choker
160 Valerian Fusilier's Choker
160 Valerian Shaman's Choker
160 Valerian Wizard's Choker
160 Mistfall Necklace of Fending
160 Mistfall Necklace of Slaying
160 Mistfall Necklace of Aiming
160 Mistfall Necklace of Healing
160 Mistfall Necklace of Casting
150 Citrine Choker of Fending
150 Citrine Choker of Slaying
150 Citrine Choker of Aiming
150 Citrine Choker of Healing
150 Citrine Choker of Casting
61 260 Ghost Barque Choker of Slaying
55 136 Orthodox Bracelet of Healing
136 Orthodox Bracelet of Casting
56 139 Opal Bracelet of Fending
139 Opal Bracelet of Slaying
139 Opal Bracelet of Aiming
139 Opal Bracelet of Healing
139 Opal Bracelet of Casting
57 142 Halonic Inquisitor's Bracelets
142 Halonic Friar's Bracelets
142 Halonic Auditor's Bracelets
142 Halonic Priest's Bracelets
142 Halonic Exorcist's Bracelets
58 145 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending
145 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying
145 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming
145 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Healing
145 Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting
59 148 Sharlayan Custodian's Bangle
148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Bangle
148 Sharlayan Conservator's Bangle
148 Sharlayan Preceptor's Bangle
148 Sharlayan Philosopher's Bangle
60 270 Alexandrian Bracelets of Casting
270 Proto Ultima Amulet of Fending
270 Proto Ultima Amulet of Slaying
270 Proto Ultima Amulet of Aiming
270 Proto Ultima Amulet of Healing
270 Proto Ultima Amulet of Casting
270 Augmented Shire Custodian's Bracelet
270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Bracelets
270 Augmented Shire Conservator's Bracelet
270 Augmented Shire Preceptor's Bracelets
270 Augmented Shire Philosopher's Bracelets
270 Alexandrian Bracelets of Fending
270 Alexandrian Bracelets of Slaying
270 Alexandrian Bracelets of Aiming
270 Alexandrian Bracelets of Healing
265 Sunburst Armillae of Fending
265 Sunburst Armillae of Slaying
265 Sunburst Armillae of Aiming
265 Sunburst Armillae of Healing
265 Sunburst Armillae of Casting
260 Shire Custodian's Bracelet
260 Shire Pankratiast's Bracelets
260 Shire Conservator's Bracelet
260 Shire Preceptor's Bracelets
260 Shire Philosopher's Bracelets
255 Triphane Bracelet of Slaying
250 Teak Bracelet of Fending
250 Teak Bracelet of Slaying
250 Teak Bracelet of Aiming
250 Teak Bracelet of Healing
250 Teak Bracelet of Casting
250 Prototype Alexandrian Bracelets of Fending
250 Prototype Alexandrian Bracelets of Slaying
250 Prototype Alexandrian Bracelets of Aiming
250 Prototype Alexandrian Bracelets of Healing
250 Prototype Alexandrian Bracelets of Casting
245 Filibuster's Bracelet of Fending
245 Filibuster's Bracelet of Slaying
245 Filibuster's Bracelet of Aiming
245 Filibuster's Bracelet of Healing
245 Filibuster's Bracelet of Casting
240 Augmented Primal Bracelet of Fending
240 Augmented Primal Bracelet of Slaying
240 Augmented Primal Bracelet of Aiming
240 Augmented Primal Bracelet of Healing
240 Augmented Primal Bracelet of Casting
240 Midan Bracelets of Fending
240 Midan Bracelets of Slaying
240 Midan Bracelets of Aiming
240 Midan Bracelets of Healing
240 Midan Bracelets of Casting
235 Sunstreak Armillae of Fending
235 Sunstreak Armillae of Slaying
235 Sunstreak Armillae of Aiming
235 Sunstreak Armillae of Healing
235 Sunstreak Armillae of Casting
235 Makai Bracelet of Fending
235 Makai Bracelet of Slaying
235 Makai Bracelet of Aiming
235 Makai Bracelet of Healing
235 Makai Bracelet of Casting
230 Primal Bracelet of Fending
230 Primal Bracelet of Slaying
230 Primal Bracelet of Aiming
230 Primal Bracelet of Healing
230 Primal Bracelet of Casting
225 Valkyrie's Bracelet of Fending
225 Valkyrie's Bracelet of Slaying
225 Valkyrie's Bracelet of Aiming
225 Valkyrie's Bracelet of Healing
225 Valkyrie's Bracelet of Casting
220 Camphorwood Armillae of Fending
220 Camphorwood Armillae of Slaying
220 Camphorwood Armillae of Aiming
220 Camphorwood Armillae of Healing
220 Camphorwood Armillae of Casting
220 Prototype Midan Bracelets of Fending
220 Prototype Midan Bracelets of Slaying
220 Prototype Midan Bracelets of Aiming
220 Prototype Midan Bracelets of Healing
220 Prototype Midan Bracelets of Casting
215 Berserker's Bangles
215 Viking Bangles
215 Wrangler's Bangles
215 Prophet's Bangles
215 Panegyrist's Bangles
210 Gordian Wristband of Fending
210 Gordian Wristband of Slaying
210 Gordian Wristband of Aiming
210 Gordian Wristband of Healing
210 Gordian Wristband of Casting
210 Fabled Bracelet of Fending
210 Fabled Bracelet of Slaying
210 Fabled Bracelet of Aiming
210 Fabled Bracelet of Healing
210 Fabled Bracelet of Casting
210 Mistbreak Armillae of Fending
210 Mistbreak Armillae of Slaying
210 Mistbreak Armillae of Aiming
210 Mistbreak Armillae of Healing
210 Mistbreak Armillae of Casting
205 The Twelve's Bracelet of Fending
205 The Twelve's Bracelet of Slaying
205 The Twelve's Bracelet of Aiming
205 The Twelve's Bracelet of Healing
205 The Twelve's Bracelet of Casting
200 Ardent Bracelet of Fending
200 Ardent Bracelet of Slaying
200 Ardent Bracelet of Aiming
200 Ardent Bracelet of Healing
200 Ardent Bracelet of Casting
195 Dravanian Bracelet of Fending
195 Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying
195 Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming
195 Dravanian Bracelet of Healing
195 Dravanian Bracelet of Casting
190 Prototype Gordian Wristband of Fending
190 Prototype Gordian Wristband of Slaying
190 Prototype Gordian Wristband of Aiming
190 Prototype Gordian Wristband of Healing
190 Prototype Gordian Wristband of Casting
185 Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist
185 Bracelet of the Daring Duelist
185 Bracelet of the Lost Thief
185 Plague Doctor's Bracelet
185 Plague Bringer's Bracelet
180 Asuran Bracelets of Fending
180 Asuran Bracelets of Slaying
180 Asuran Bracelets of Aiming
180 Asuran Bracelets of Healing
180 Asuran Bracelets of Casting
180 Battleliege Bracelet of Fending
180 Battleliege Bracelet of Slaying
180 Battleliege Bracelet of Aiming
180 Battleliege Bracelet of Healing
180 Battleliege Bracelet of Casting
180 Deepmist Armillae of Fending
180 Deepmist Armillae of Slaying
180 Deepmist Armillae of Aiming
180 Deepmist Armillae of Healing
180 Deepmist Armillae of Casting
170 Yasha Bracelets of Fending
170 Yasha Bracelets of Slaying
170 Yasha Bracelets of Aiming
170 Yasha Bracelets of Healing
170 Yasha Bracelets of Casting
160 Valerian Terror Knight's Bracelet
160 Valerian Smuggler's Bracelet
160 Valerian Fusilier's Bracelet
160 Valerian Shaman's Bracelet
160 Valerian Wizard's Bracelet
160 Mistfall Armillae of Fending
160 Mistfall Armillae of Slaying
160 Mistfall Armillae of Aiming
160 Mistfall Armillae of Healing
160 Mistfall Armillae of Casting
150 Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending
150 Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying
150 Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming
150 Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing
150 Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting
61 260 Ghost Barque Bracelet of Slaying
Left Ring
Right Ring
53 130 Woad Skywicce's Ring
56 139 Opal Ring of Fending
139 Opal Ring of Slaying
139 Opal Ring of Aiming
139 Opal Ring of Healing
139 Opal Ring of Casting
57 142 Halonic Inquisitor's Ring
142 Halonic Friar's Ring
142 Halonic Auditor's Ring
142 Halonic Priest's Ring
142 Halonic Exorcist's Ring
58 145 Griffin Talon Ring of Fending
145 Griffin Talon Ring of Slaying
145 Griffin Talon Ring of Aiming
145 Griffin Talon Ring of Healing
145 Griffin Talon Ring of Casting
59 148 Sharlayan Custodian's Ring
148 Sharlayan Pankratiast's Ring
148 Sharlayan Conservator's Ring
148 Sharlayan Preceptor's Ring
148 Sharlayan Philosopher's Ring
60 270 Alexandrian Ring of Fending
270 Alexandrian Ring of Slaying
270 Alexandrian Ring of Aiming
270 Alexandrian Ring of Healing
270 Alexandrian Ring of Casting
270 Proto Ultima Ring of Fending
270 Proto Ultima Ring of Slaying
270 Proto Ultima Ring of Aiming
270 Proto Ultima Ring of Healing
270 Proto Ultima Ring of Casting
270 Augmented Shire Custodian's Ring
270 Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Ring
270 Augmented Shire Conservator's Ring
270 Augmented Shire Preceptor's Ring
270 Augmented Shire Philosopher's Ring
265 Sunburst Ring of Fending
265 Sunburst Ring of Slaying
265 Sunburst Ring of Aiming
265 Sunburst Ring of Healing
265 Sunburst Ring of Casting
260 Shire Custodian's Ring
260 Shire Pankratiast's Ring
260 Shire Conservator's Ring
260 Shire Preceptor's Ring
260 Shire Philosopher's Ring
255 Triphane Ring of Slaying
250 Scintillant Ring of Fending
250 Scintillant Ring of Slaying
250 Scintillant Ring of Aiming
250 Scintillant Ring of Healing
250 Scintillant Ring of Casting
250 Prototype Alexandrian Ring of Fending
250 Prototype Alexandrian Ring of Slaying
250 Prototype Alexandrian Ring of Aiming
250 Prototype Alexandrian Ring of Healing
250 Prototype Alexandrian Ring of Casting
245 Filibuster's Ring of Fending
245 Filibuster's Ring of Slaying
245 Filibuster's Ring of Aiming
245 Filibuster's Ring of Healing
245 Filibuster's Ring of Casting
240 Augmented Primal Ring of Fending
240 Augmented Primal Ring of Slaying
240 Augmented Primal Ring of Aiming
240 Augmented Primal Ring of Healing
240 Augmented Primal Ring of Casting
240 Midan Ring of Fending
240 Midan Ring of Slaying
240 Midan Ring of Aiming
240 Midan Ring of Healing
240 Midan Ring of Casting
235 Sunstreak Ring of Fending
235 Sunstreak Ring of Slaying
235 Sunstreak Ring of Aiming
235 Sunstreak Ring of Healing
235 Sunstreak Ring of Casting
235 Makai Ring of Fending
235 Makai Ring of Slaying
235 Makai Ring of Aiming
235 Makai Ring of Healing
235 Makai Ring of Casting
230 Primal Ring of Fending
230 Primal Ring of Slaying
230 Primal Ring of Aiming
230 Primal Ring of Healing
230 Primal Ring of Casting
225 Valkyrie's Ring of Fending
225 Valkyrie's Ring of Slaying
225 Valkyrie's Ring of Aiming
225 Valkyrie's Ring of Healing
225 Valkyrie's Ring of Casting
220 Eikon Iron Ring of Fending
220 Eikon Iron Ring of Slaying
220 Eikon Iron Ring of Aiming
220 Eikon Iron Ring of Healing
220 Eikon Iron Ring of Casting
220 Prototype Midan Ring of Fending
220 Prototype Midan Ring of Slaying
220 Prototype Midan Ring of Aiming
220 Prototype Midan Ring of Healing
220 Prototype Midan Ring of Casting
215 Berserker's Ring
215 Viking Ring
215 Wrangler's Ring
215 Prophet's Ring
215 Panegyrist's Ring
210 Gordian Ring of Fending
210 Gordian Ring of Slaying
210 Gordian Ring of Aiming
210 Gordian Ring of Healing
210 Gordian Ring of Casting
210 Fabled Ring of Fending
210 Fabled Ring of Slaying
210 Fabled Ring of Aiming
210 Fabled Ring of Healing
210 Fabled Ring of Casting
210 Mistbreak Ring of Fending
210 Mistbreak Ring of Slaying
210 Mistbreak Ring of Aiming
210 Mistbreak Ring of Healing
210 Mistbreak Ring of Casting
205 The Twelve's Ring of Fending
205 The Twelve's Ring of Slaying
205 The Twelve's Ring of Aiming
205 The Twelve's Ring of Healing
205 The Twelve's Ring of Casting
200 Ardent Ring of Fending
200 Ardent Ring of Slaying
200 Ardent Ring of Aiming
200 Ardent Ring of Healing
200 Ardent Ring of Casting
195 Dravanian Ring of Fending
195 Dravanian Ring of Slaying
195 Dravanian Ring of Aiming
195 Dravanian Ring of Healing
195 Dravanian Ring of Casting
190 Prototype Gordian Ring of Fending
190 Prototype Gordian Ring of Slaying
190 Prototype Gordian Ring of Aiming
190 Prototype Gordian Ring of Healing
190 Prototype Gordian Ring of Casting
185 Ring of the Defiant Duelist
185 Ring of the Daring Duelist
185 Ring of the Lost Thief
185 Plague Doctor's Ring
185 Plague Bringer's Ring
180 Asuran Ring of Fending
180 Asuran Ring of Slaying
180 Asuran Ring of Aiming
180 Asuran Ring of Healing
180 Asuran Ring of Casting
180 Battleliege Ring of Fending
180 Battleliege Ring of Slaying
180 Battleliege Ring of Aiming
180 Battleliege Ring of Healing
180 Battleliege Ring of Casting
180 Deepmist Ring of Fending
180 Deepmist Ring of Slaying
180 Deepmist Ring of Aiming
180 Deepmist Ring of Healing
180 Deepmist Ring of Casting
170 Yasha Ring of Fending
170 Yasha Ring of Slaying
170 Yasha Ring of Aiming
170 Yasha Ring of Healing
170 Yasha Ring of Casting
160 Valerian Terror Knight's Ring
160 Valerian Smuggler's Ring
160 Valerian Fusilier's Ring
160 Valerian Shaman's Ring
160 Valerian Wizard's Ring
160 Mistfall Ring of Fending
160 Mistfall Ring of Slaying
160 Mistfall Ring of Aiming
160 Mistfall Ring of Healing
160 Mistfall Ring of Casting
150 Chrysolite Ring of Fending
150 Chrysolite Ring of Slaying
150 Chrysolite Ring of Aiming
150 Chrysolite Ring of Healing
150 Chrysolite Ring of Casting
61 260 Ghost Barque Ring of Slaying
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